Sunday, February 26, 2012

Think Positively

It is so easy to have the mid-winter blues at this time of year. In fact, I usually fall into a funk in the winter months. The cold weather, the snow, lack of sunlight, all contribute to a poor state of mind. I am trying really hard to think positively this winter and stay out if the funk. There are many things to look forward to, in fact each individual day is worth looking forward to!

I recently rejoined a charity as a board member and it has done wonders for helping my attitude. It is funny that by helping others we often help ourselves in the process. I would recommend that everyone get involved in some process where you are helping others on a regular basis. I think you will find that it creates a greater sense of contentment in your own life.

So get out there and volunteer to something you are passionate about.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


It is beginning to feel a lot like spring in my neck of the woods. It has been above freezing for a number of days now and most of the snow and ice has been melting. I have still been running on a treadmill indoors but I noticed a large running group outdoors today. Maybe it is time to get my cold weather gear out and do some cool spring running!

From a biking perspective there is still no way I would go outdoors, it is still to wet and cool. When you are doing 20mph on a bike with the wind in your face it can get really really cold!

I still would like to do more weight training to strengthen my overall fitness. I really only focus on cardio and I think weights would do me some good. My problem is that I am still a slave to my heart rate monitor and cardio just plain burns more calories. I know that maybe longer term a stronger overall body would enable me to burn higher overall calories but I can't get myself to believe that.

Kettle bell workouts maybe?

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I might finally see some progress on the scale this week. I have been tracking my weight throughout the week and I am on track for a loss tomorrow morning. Of course, I have to get through today first.

It was a swim day for me but I skipped the workout. A little later this morning I am helping to load boxes onto a truck for shipment to Belarus. This is a six hour job and will be very physical work so I think I will burn lots of calories doing that. The side benefit is that it will get me out of the house so I won't get the opportunity to snack all day!

I have a few trips planned for the upcoming weeks so maintaining weight will be difficult. Next weekend I leave for a week in Vegas for a work conference. There will be many food temptations at the conference so I will need to be very careful. Luckily they have a good gym at the hotel so I hope to continue my workouts on that trip.

My second trip is to Belarus to deliver humanitarian aid. There will be very little food there so I think I will not gain weight during that trip. In fact, I will be moving heavy boxes all day every day so my calorie burn will be way up for that entire week. I am starting to think about what food I will need to pack to take with me.

Stay safe everyone!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wine anyone?

Is anyone else interested in wine? As with everything else I get interested in I learn everything I can about the topic. I have been listening to podcasts and looking online for courses. Unfortunately there does not look to be any courses nearby so I am left to continue to learn about this stuff on my own.

So red or white? Everyone must have a preference right? I was a white only for many years but I have ventured into the reds now. They are so much more interesting! I think the correct answer when asked that question is "both". It depends on the occasion and the meal pairing as well. And why would you want to rule out half of the available wines by choosing red or white exclusively?

That's all I've got for this week, stay safe everyone!