Saturday, October 15, 2011

Post Race Recovery

Well, I don't have much to report this week. I attempted to run a few times this week but really couldn't do much. My knee would begin to hurt pretty quick in each run. I think I will need a few weeks recovery from running. I will keep attempting a short run here and there but I think I will have to depend on the biking and swimming for the majority of my exercise.

It is difficult for me to stay focused when I don't have a goal set. I have no races booked, no specific weight goal to hit, etc. Without that motivation I struggle with staying active. I will have to think over the next week and decide what I plan on conquering next.

On another note, I looked through some older pictures of Belarus trips. I had visited there once before on and aid trip with a local organization. I think I would like to get back involved in the organization, it was a good feeling then, and I think it would be good for me now as well. I will plan to look into the logistics of getting back involved once again.

Well that is it for this week, not much else of importance to share this week.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the 1/2 marathon! That's fantastic!!

    My husband took a lot of time off after his first (and only) 1/2 marathon. He was having knee issues, too, and swore he'd never run a marathon. But of course, as soon as his knee was feeling better, it was on to bigger things. He tweaked it in June trying to jump a fence along with our kids, so he's had to be careful. But looks like he's going to be able to do it! He ran 18 miles last weekend with no pain and is shooting for 20 this weekend. I had no idea he'd ever be able to run a 1/2 marathon, much less 20 miles!

    You runners are inspiring!!
